Lauri Mattenson

Lauri Mattenson has been teaching composition courses for UCLA Writing Programs for over 25 years, and was awarded the 2020 Honors Division Eugen Weber Teaching Award for her work with undergraduates in BodyMind Literacy, an experiential Honors Collegium seminar she created in order to promote a more mindful and embodied approach to learning. Each summer, she works with New Student and Transition Programs to represent UCLA faculty in a series of welcome speeches for incoming freshmen. As a member of the UCLA Prison Education Program, Lauri advocates for prison reform and teaches writing workshops for currently incarcerated students at California institutions and juvenile halls. Previous publications include: The Los Angeles Times, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Mother Company, The Jewish Journal, Massage Magazine, Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism, The Daily Bruin, etc. She lives in Encino with her husband, two stepdaughters, and their beloved mutt from the pound, Angel.