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UCLA QGrad Conference 2021 – Queer Intimacies: Community, Control, Resistance


Conference dates: May 6-7, 2021 Location: Online, Zoom conference Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Doyle Featured Performer: Dorian Wood QGrad is the oldest, interdisciplinary queer research conference in the United States. Please save the date for our annual Queer Graduate Conference! Queerness intertwines with intimacy, or the closely personal. Simultaneously signaling the individual and the relational, intimacy...

TA Workshop: Teaching Hot Topics (Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Series – Part 3)


This workshop builds on concepts and strategies from Creating Inclusive Classrooms and Interrupting Bias to Cultivate Inclusivity to help instructors learn how to address hot topics in their classrooms when they arise. Participants will engage in and practice key concepts related to how to use dialogue in the classroom and how to challenge dominant narratives...

TA Workshop: Assessment & Grading – Measuring Student Achievement in the Classroom


How is assessment different from grading? Do you know when students have learned the knowledge and skills required to introduce new material? How can you best assess and grade students via Zoom? In this workshop, you will discuss the difference between assessment and grading, the importance of incorporating assessment into your approach to instruction, and...

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