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Inclusive Gathering: Classroom Design and Inclusivity

Lydeen Library 4302, Rolfe Hall 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles

Classroom Design and Inclusivity  Tuesday, April 30, 4-6pm Lydeen Library (Rolfe Hall 4302) How does the spatial design of classrooms affect the inclusiveness of the classroom environment? How do we make, design, and deliver classes that are as engaging and inclusive as possible when they consist of unusually large classes, are set at un-ideal hours...

Inclusive Gathering: Hot Moments in the Classroom

Powell Library 186 10740 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles

“Hot Moments in the Classroom” Wednesday, January 30, 2019 4:00-6:00pm Location: Powell 186 Invited speaker: Emma Naliboff Pettit Program Director UCLA Intergroup Relations Program This gathering will focus on presenting strategies for de-escalating moments of tension in the classroom, especially around issues of identity. How does a professor deal with contentious issues regarding race, gender, religion, and politics? What are practical Dos and...

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