Ready, Set, Teach!

Ready, Set, Teach! Fall 2020 Remote Panel
Ready, Set, Teach! (RST) is one of EPIC’s signature initiatives on inclusive and equitable teaching. What started out as a one-off event from a brainstorming session with faculty and the EPIC leadership team has evolved into a quarterly event and a vital part of the Humanities Division’s yearly fall kick-off, the Humanities Welcome. Through RST, we are able to give instructors the opportunity to hear from undergraduate students about their learning experiences in and out of the classroom and provide a space for faculty and TAs to share teaching techniques and discuss successful teaching interventions and challenges.
Fall 2018: Welcome Week
Winter 2019: Teaching & Learning
Fall 2019: Welcome Week
Winter 2020: Supporting First Gen Students
Fall 2020: Leaning into Remote Teaching
Winter 2021: Graduate Student Instructors on Student Engagement
Spring 2021: From Zoom to Classroom: Remote Teaching Strategies Worth Keeping
Fall 2021: Humanities Undergraduate Panel – Reflecting on a Year of Remote Learning
Winter 2022: Humanities Undergraduate Student Panel
Fall 2022: Humanities Undergraduate Student Panel & Reception