EPIC is pleased to announce the new Faculty Leads for the 2018-2019 Seminars in Teaching Excellence.
The co-leads will work in tandem to design and facilitate one of the EPIC Seminars in Teaching Excellence (STE) for the 2018-2019 academic year. Each STE in Medical Humanities (Fall 2018), Environmental Humanities (Winter 2019), and Digital Humanities (Spring 2019) represents an interdisciplinary curricular track within the Humanities. The seminar participants will explore the pedagogical approaches for each interdisciplinary field and develop recommendations towards formally integrating them into humanities curricula.
Fall 2018 Medical Humanities Co-leads:
- Rachel Lee, Professor, English; Director, Center for the Study of Women
- David MacFadyen, Department Chair, Professor, Director for Undergraduate Studies, Comparative Literature
Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 2pm-5pm. (please note: date/time may be subject to change)
Winter 2019 Environmental Humanities Co-leads:
- Allison Carruth, Associate Professor, English, Institute for Society and Genetics, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability; Faculty Director, Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS)
- Ursula K. Heise, Marcia H. Howard Chair in Literary Studies, English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
Meeting Time: Fridays, 11am to 1pm, biweekly (please note, date/time may be subject to change)
Spring 2019 Digital Humanities Co-leads:
- Chris Johanson, Assistant Professor, Classics, Center for Digital Humanities
- Miriam Posner, Assistant Professor, Graduate School for Education and Information Studies (GSEIS), Center for Digital Humanities
Meeting time: Wednesdays 1-4pm, biweekly from week 2 (please note, date/time may be subject to change)
EPIC is currently accepting faculty and graduate student applications to participate in the 2018-19 STEs. Graduate students can find more information and the application for graduate students at this link. Faculty can find more information and the application for faculty at this link.